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<price type="decimal">29.95</price> <title>Pragmatic Project Automation</title> <orders> <order> <address>dp</address> <email>ilm</email> <id type="integer">1</id> <name>china</name> <pay-type>cc</pay-type> </order> <order> <address>china</address> <email>[email]ilmf@eyou.com[/email]</email> <id type="integer">2</id> <name>lee</name> <pay-type>cc</pay-type> </order> <order> <address>lfjs</address> <email>[email]fjd@china.com[/email]</email> <id type="integer">3</id> <name>chinaren</name> <pay-type>cc</pay-type> </order> <order> <address>dkf</address> <email>[email]zllichO@eyou.com[/email]</email> <id type="integer">4</id> <name>zllicho</name> <pay-type>check</pay-type> </order> </orders> </product> 可以看到,默认情况下,to_xml方法会导出对象的所有信息。也可以要求它屏蔽某些属性,但这容易让代码变得凌乱。如果希望生成的XML符合特定的schema或者DTD,最后还是使用rxml模板。 扫尾工作 编程已经结束了,不过在将应用程序部署到生产环境之前,做一些整理工作。 为应用程序提供一份完整的文档。在Rails中可以运行Ruby提供的RDoc工具,为应用程序的所有源文件生成漂亮的开发者文档,不过在生成这些文档之前,可能需要创建一个介绍性的页面。这样未来开发者才会知道应用程序到底干了什么。为此编辑doc/README_FOR_APP文件,在里面写上有用的东西。稍后RDoc会对这个文件进行处理,所以可以随便在里面使用什么格式。 = The Depot Online Store This application implements an online store, with a catalog, cart, and orders. It is divided into three main sections: * The buyer's side of the application manages the catalog, cart, and checkout. It is implemented in StoreController and the associated views. * Only administrators can access stuff in the AdminController. This is implemented by the LoginController, and is enforced by the ApplicationController#authorize method. * There's also a simple web service accessible via the InfoController. This code was produced as an example for the book {Agile Web Development with Rails}[[url]http://pragmaticprogrammer.com/titles/rails2[/url]]. It should not be run as a real online store. === Author Dave Thomas, The Pragmatic Programmers, LLC === Warranty This code is provided for educational purposes only, and comes with absolutely no warranty. It should not be used in live applications. == Copyright This code is Copyright (c) 2006 The Pragmatic Programmers, LLC. It is released under the same license as Ruby. 然后,用rake命令就可以生成HTML格式的文档。(/doc/app) depot>rake doc:app 最后,想看看自己编写了多少代码,有一个rake任务可以完成 depot>rake stats MVC Model负责维持应用程序的状态。不仅是数据的容器,还是数据的监护者。 View生成用户界面,通常会根据模型中的数据来生成。 Controller负责协调整个应用程序的运转。控制器接收来自外界的事件,与Model进行交互,并将合适的view展现给用户。 本文转自 fsjoy1983 51CTO博客,原文链接:http://blog.51cto.com/fsjoy/75615,如需转载请自行联系原作者